Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Feeling sad when the blog official writing is finally over but we promise will update this blog eventhough not for coursework purpose. We are also feeling happy because we managed to finish this assessment at the given period of time eventhough facing several problems such as weak internet connection, finding the material itself and edit the blog interface but we managed to finish it. And we will thankful if this blog achieved the required amount of information and we will very thankful if Madam Rosiah gives a great marks for our hardwork.
Finally, we would like to thank Madam Rosiah for giving some tips and instruction regarding the blog assignment. Hopefully, our blog will be a reference for other computer users to find the suitable graphic card for the computer in order to experience the excitement to playing games and entertainment.
GeForce GTX 295

CUDA cores : 480
Core Clocks : 576 Mhz
Standard Memory: 1792 MB GDDR3
Memory Interface : 896 bit
Price Range : RM 1400 - 1500
Minimum Power Supply : 680 W
This is one of the most powerful graphic card ever produced and it already used in film effects engineering where we can see the results in Avatar films.
I recommended this graphic card to extreme user who really have moneys and passion in game performance, video editing and complex designs. Also, i recommended it to professional game and effects engineers for their job.
This is because this graphic card have very high graphic processing ( like having 2 GeForce 200) where it make the frame rate of the application go to very high level and detail as possible. Additional to Physx features, this will make the gaming experience very much real and awesome. With high Cuda other additional great features (Such as Graphic Plus) make your video and pictures editing and rendering better quality and smooth.
What make this graphic card really powerful, is, single card not enough, it can link 4 same graphic cards at one CPU. Beside that, because of high GPU processing, it able to support multi-screen application. (try imagine the user can play Facebook, chatting and play game at same time smoothly.)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
ATI Radeon HD 5970

This week review is focusing on the latest product of graphic card for desktop computer users, ATI Radeon HD 5970. According to ATI, this is their fastest graphic card ever made in the features had been upgraded compare to previous model. Below is the specification of this graphic card:
Engine clock speed : 725 Mhz
Memory clock speed: 1.0 Ghz
Maximum board power: 294 W
Slot: PCI Express 2.1
Price estimation: approx RM 700
This card is latest product from ATI for year 2010 and the technology behind this hardware is unquestionable. By focusing on improving the speed of the graphic performance with neglecting the speed of computer, ATI Stream technology have the answer. The features give the card the ability to accelerate and give the users the best momentum of performance with their games of doing their works without give the system jams.
Futhermore, the common feature such as ATI PowerPlay have been upgrade in order to give the maximum power management for the single and multi - board configuration. With minimum power comsumption, the users will have no worry about the performance and the price for this card is quiet expensive because it still fresh on market but to gain something good, we have to spend some money to get it.
GeForce Nvidia GTX 285

Cuda Clok : 240 Mhz
Core Clock : 648 MHz
Standard Memory : 1 GB DDR2
Interface Memory : 512 bit
Minimum Power Supply : 550 W
Slot : PCI-Express
Price Range : RM 550-600
I recommended this graphic cards for user to gaming at high end performance. Although there are graphic cards there is better than this, most games not yet reach those graphic level. So it is a waste to buy graphic card that too powerful but unable to push the game performance. Therefore this card are ideal and optimize since the price is very reasonable since the price drop greatly since Geforce GTX 295 came out.
This graphic card have very high GPU and memory processing that able to process game graphic engine to very detail and smooth. With High Cuda, Physx, advance anti-aliasing, high HDR effects and stereoscopic 3D. Play the games with very high resolution and at real gaming effects as you can see in real one. Plus, with video and image enchanting technology, the user can experience a more quality pictures and movies than normal one.
With this graphic cards, experience the high end performance in gaming for 1 to 2 years without worries.
Monday, March 8, 2010
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 2400 XT

This week review is focusing again on notebook graphic performance. Some graphic needs to operate in high performance of GPU and this will make power consumption getting worst. Some notebooks are able to operate at the high performance of graphic and some may not. This graphic is giving the basic notebook users to experience the graphic performance in their notebook because this card is best in their class for thin and light notebook. This card gives the users beautiful moments while playing their games, watching HD entertainment with superior performance - per-wat operation with ATI Avivo HD video processing.
Futhermore, this card as always with every single graphic card from ATI is contain also power management features and this card have Full PowerPlay 7.0 support. This feature also give the notebook power and performance for long battery life and as said before, the phenomenal performance-per-watt operation.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
ATI Mobility Radeon X1450

This week review is about the graphic card for notebook or for the more understanding information, the basic users of notebook. This card is not good as latest graphic card but it is able to deliver the notebook user the fundamental of the graphic performance. This card can be assume as the prototype for the notebook graphic for ATI before they empowered their card to achieved the requirement for the latest game graphic performance
Meanwhile, all the features are basic compare to latest graphic card. This review showed at that previous years, this card is the most friendly users yet affordable. This card features also similar with latest graphic card such as ATI Power Management for intelligence power consumption and ATI Avivo Video and Display Architecture for delivering the graphic performance to the next level for the notebook users.
Because of this card, ATI managed to upgrade their graphic card to the highest peak of graphic performance that money can buy.
Nvidia GeForce 210

Core Clock : 589 MHz
Standard Memory : 512 MB DDR2
Interface Memory : 64 bit
Minimum Power Supply : 240W
Slot : PCI-Express
Price Range : RM 200-250
This graphic card is recommended for any user want to have a smooth operation in window 7 at moderate cost and comsumption. This is because even Window 7 require consume less performance than Window Vista, the graphic requirement is should be considered since Window 7 have emphasizes on visual interaction.
Geforce 210 provide a spectular video performance. It is able to enhance video and pictures quality to very high quality. It's is like watching HD videos from normal DVD. Beside that, Geforce 210 can provide faster uploading stream whether in internet or application such as Ipod. Geforce 210 also can make your video and picture editing smooth and fast at variety level of editing. Beside that, about gaming, it able to support latest and popular games such as The Sim 3, Spores and World of Warcraft.
Monday, March 1, 2010
GeForce GTX 285 for Mac

Cuda Cores : 240
GPU Core Clock : 648 Mhz
Memory Config: 1024 MB GDDR3
Memory Interface : 512 bit
Motherboard Slot : PCI-Express 2.0
Minimum Power Supply: 460 W
Price Range : RM 450-500
From the past post, the graphic cards for Nvidia are focus for Window OS since most latest games are compatible and build Window OS only. However, for Mac OS user, there's are recommended graphics card in Nvidia that allow the users to optimize Mac OS in gaming, editing, animation and other graphic requirements application.
Meet GeForce GTX 285 for Mac, this graphic card have a Boot Camp, a built-in application which perfect compatibility as like Window OS . With PhysX features, high GPU processing and HD extreme resolution, the user can experienced as best as or more than in Window OS especially on graphics-intensive applications like motion graphics, 3D modeling, rendering, and animation.
So, for Mac OS users, don't let normal graphic cards let you down, push the Mac OS performance to the limit and let Window OS's user in "awe"!

Sunday, February 21, 2010
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870

This week review is focusing of the graphic performance of notebook. Nowadays, peoples are more interested to buy a notebook because of its characteristics such as lightweight, portable and easy to operate. This card is the latest and best graphic of ATI for notebook. This card specification as below:
Clock Speed: 700 Mhz
Memory Clock Speed: 1.0 Ghz
Card Slot: PCI Express 2.1
Power Supply: 500 watts
Focusing on the improvement in graphic performance of games from each year becomes better, ATI is coming out with brand new graphic card that can satisfy the notebook users to play their games in better graphic performance.
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5870 also the world's fastest and most powerful mobile GPU ever designed and this feature will give the notebook users experience the riveting high definition gaming experience. Other features are the graphic performance booster by ATI CrossFireX which gives the users great moment playing their favourites games. With other advantages with Windows 7, this card will give the notebook users fast operating and responsive PC. This card also have the power management technology by ATI PowerPlay for dynamic power management.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
ATI Radeon™ HD 4870

This review for ATI graphic card is focusing on the bringing the performance to the maximum peak of graphical users.
Core Clock: 750 MHz
Memory amount: 512 MB DDR3
Card Slot: PCI-Express 2.0
Power Supply: 500 w
Price: RM 400-500
This card brings the ability that beyond the computer users with high technology research where the users can feel their computer's graphic exceed the supercomputing and setting a new standard to the graphic performance. Based from ATI graphic cards in 4000 series, this card can be consider as performance graphic card because deliver the mind-blowing graphic performance. So, the users will experience the fantastic moment with their games.
Eventhough this card required more power because of it's performance, this card also equipped with ATI PowerPlay Technology which is advanced power management technology and this card is delivering up to 2x the performance per watt of AMD's previous generation GPUs
The price is higher than other graphic card in 4000 series but this card bring the maximum performance that the users can imagine.
Nvidia Geforce 9800GT

CUDA Cores | 112 |
Graphics Clock (MHz) | 600 MHz |
Processor Clock (MHz) | 1500 MHz |
Texture Fill Rate (billion/sec) | 33.6 |
Memory Clock (MHz) | 900 |
Standard Memory Config | 512 MB DDR3 |
Memory Interface Width | 256-bit |
Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec) | 57.6 |
Minumum Power Supply : 460W
MotherBoard Slow : PCI-Express 2.0
Price Range : RM 300 - 350.
Are you a hardcore gamers and at let your computer run as long as possible for download? If yes, then, there is a graphic cards are design for optimize and suit up that kind of situation.
Most computer users are tend to download stuffs from internet a very large space which generally require a lot of times (especially your internet connection is slow).If the user's computer have a graphic card or more, and he/she is always left the computer for download stuffs or run a simple application during that time, then it will be wastage and have a high chance of overheating because generally, a normal graphic cards will consume a lot of energy as like they support a heavy application such as games.
Therefore, Nvidia Geforce 9800GT is recommended. Not only it able to support high performance games such as Resident Evil 5, Assassin creed 2, Red Alert 3 etc, but it also stable, and the price is currently cheap. This model contain a HybridPower feature where it allow to manage usage of this graphic cards. It will consume the require power if the application is high and heavy, but, it will consume a small of energy or switch to motherboard graphic core if the application is very light and small. Therefore, the energy consumption will automatically be manage efficiently.
The user can experience a greener usage where the computers are cooler and quiet and most likely, your electric bills will greatly reduce. And also, for a sake of environment, and economic, this is one of graphic cards that must be used.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
ATI Radeon™ HD 4300

"Designed to Perform, Engineered to Lead, Built to Win"
This week's review is focusing on the graphic card from the ATI Radeon HD 4000 series and this card will give the best performance in high value games and high definition experience in graphic animation and movies.
Memory Amount: 256 MB DDR3
Card Slot: PCI-Express 2.0
Minimum Power Supply: 300w
Price Range: rm 250 -rm 300
This graphic is designed to give the user the high definition experience playing games with great graphic performance. ATI Radeon GPUs can upscale the video display to the level where the image quality is the top of the performance. This card features also included ATI PowerPlay TM which gives advanced power management for optimal performance and power saving. In series of ATI Radeon HD 4000, this card is focusing on the user who have limited budget yet required more graphic performance.
Nvidia GeForce 8400 GS

Core Clock (MHz) | 450 |
Shader Clock (MHz) | 900 |
Memory Clock (MHz) | 400 |
Memory Amount | 256MB |
Memory Interface | 64-bit |
Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec) | 6.4 |
Texture Fill Rate (billion/sec) | 3.6 |
Card Slot: PCI-Express 2.0
Minimum Power Supply requirement :240W
Price Range: RM50-100
This graphic cards is recommended for normal user who plays light game such DOTA,Counter Strike,and Online Games, wish to enjoy a good quality movies and smooth basic computer operation such window 7 and window vista.
Now days, basic computer requirement is getting higher and require better graphic performance for normal application (such as HD movies and wide-screen monitor) and some integrate motherboard graphic couldn't support these features especially the new windows7 and vista which consume a lot graphic from XP version.
This card can solve user problem with low performance computer (especially the one without graphic card) with low price and the stocks still available in current market. With low requirements, this card could support HD movies, a good quality of LCD monitor performance and able to operate latest OS and application with ease. Beside that this cards have very good compability and stability with all drivers, applications, and OS which crash would be impossible!
So, any user want to boost up the their PC (which already slow for now) for "normal usage" and stand for around next 3-4 years, spend small amount of money and enjoy the difference! And please dont forget to put at least 1G 667 Mhz DDR2 RAM to give a good performance with this cards.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
ATI RadeonTM HD 3800 for Mac and PC

The review for this week is focusing of Apple Mac Pro System in Graphic system. With this card, you will experience a great High Definition (HD) with graphic design based on your need. For this card requirement and specification for your Mac as below;
- Apple Mac Pro system Mac OS X® v10.5.2 (Leopard) or higher
- Support Window XP and above with direct X 9 and above.
- 256-bit GDDR3/GDDR4 memory interface
- 666 million transistors on 55nm fabrication process
- One PCI Express® X16 2.0 lane graphics slot available on the motherboard
- Price: RM280-300
- Minimum Power Supply - 550w
This card also gives a maximum performance graphic application such as 3D animation, games and 3D modelling. Some features has be added to improve this card to deliver the users especially gamers. The features are Power Professional Application, Advance to the Next Generation of HD Gaming and Break through Efficiency. Despise that, this card also excellent for playing game since the card contain Xcrossfire GPU features which allow high graphic performance accelerator.
All this features give the users the maximum satisfaction in doing work or playing games and without a doubt, this card is suitable for Mac plus low power usage and have cool and quiet system for user wish to spend lot of time for the usage of graphic card.
Nvidia Geforce 8600 GTs

Stream Processors | 32 | |
Core Clock (MHz) | 675 | |
Shader Clock (MHz) | 1450 | |
Memory Clock (MHz) | 1000 | |
Memory Amount | 256MB GDDR3 | |
Memory Interface | 128-bit | |
Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec) | 32 | |
Texture Fill Rate (billion/sec) | 10.8 |
Minimum Power Supply: 350w
Price Range : RM 250-300
Slot : PCI - Express
Even though this model is sound like extended version of Nvidia 8600GT from the last post (just puting s only), this model is way more better and powerful than the 8600GT model and may surpass some model of 9 series.
Just imagine if the 8600GT can't support that games full performance, it can play to full performance. This model is suitable for user to play the current game at fullest performance and expect to able to use until end of this year.However, it is expected this model to support latest game and upcoming game at least at half of the performance.
Just like 8600GT, it can provide same features but only different the graphic performance. Hardly crash and give complication, capable to overclock and support any OS and HD video.
Hopefully from the usage of this graphic card model, it able to meet the user specification and standard for playing games and running application.
Friday, January 15, 2010
ATI RadeonTM HD 2900
ATI RadeonTM HD 2900 Series GPU Specifications
Core Clock 600 MHz
Memory Clock 800 MHz
Memory Amount 512MB GDDR3
Memory Interface 256-bit
Minimum Power Supply: 550w
Slot : PCI - Express
Nowadays, many applications and games required better visual performance and ATI from Advanced Micro Device have come with brand new graphic card that can support these applications toward the high performance and high definition HD media playback.
Futhermore, this graphic card is being improved from previous version of the series of graphic card with High Performance Range (HPR) for better visual performance. AMD technology in making better graphic is unquestionable because the technology to reduce the overheat that come from the processor itself is greatest invention
Plus, with the low price of this graphic card, we recommend ATI Radeon 2900 as a better choice for who want a better visual performance where money can buy.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Nvidia Geforce 8600GT

Nvidia GeForce 8600GT specification:
Stream Processors | 32 | |
Core Clock (MHz) | 540 | |
Shader Clock (MHz) | 1180 | |
Memory Clock (MHz) | 700 | |
Memory Amount | 256MB GDDR3 | |
Memory Interface | 128-bit | |
Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec) | 22.4 | |
Texture Fill Rate (billion/sec) | 8.6 |
Minimum Power Supply: 250w
Price Range : RM 200-250
Slot : PCI - Express
I recommended this graphic card to anyone want to have low budget but able to fill minimum specification for 2009/2010 pc games. this grapic card able to support latest game such as Resident Evil 5 , Left For Dead 2, SAW, Price of Persia, Need for Speed SHIFT etc.
This card is one of most stable Nvidia products where the crash and complication are extremely rare. Beside that this graphic cards support any High Definition videos. Addition of that, this graphic card support window vista and Window 7 too. This Graphic cards can be over clock to push the performance over the limit but must put a user must beware of overheating.
This card cant play the latest game to the fullest but able to support at least half of the game full performance. So, enjoy the game with Nvidia Geforce 8600GT.And also, make sure the user update the graphic cards drivers!